핸드라이팅 입력
글자 '过'은 6 필기로 구성됩니다. '过'은(는) 3500개의 일반적으로 사용되는 한자 중 하나. 글자 '过'은(는) 3 가지 발음을 가지며, 다음은 다중 발음 글자입니다. '过'의 발음에는 '//guò' '//guo' '//guō' 이(가) 있습니다. 过 의 필기 보기>>
한자 '过'의 기본 의미
v.: pass; cross; spend/pass time; transfer (ownership); go through; go over; undergo (a process); surpass; exceed; excel; go beyond
quant.: time
adv.: too; excessively; unduly
n.: mistake; demerit; fault
pref.: per-; super-; over-
- pass : v.经过;穿过;通过;超过;越过;度过;消逝;流逝;传递;传送;转移;批准;宣布;排泄;放弃;弃权
- cross : n.十字形(或叉形)记号;十字形物;十字架;杂种;侧向的移动;磨难;混合物;叉
- go through : 经历, 遭受;仔细(或挨个)搜寻;被正式批准;用光;被连续出版;匆忙离开以躲避责任;潜逃
- go over : 仔细检查, 仔细察看;复习
- surpass : v.超过;强过;胜过;卓越的;超常发挥;无与伦比的
- exceed : v.超过;胜过;优于;越出;超出
- excel : v.擅长;出色;突出;表现出色;超水平发挥
- go beyond : 超越;超出;范围超出
- time : n.时;时间;时刻;规定时间;可用时间;所用时间;次;回;乘以;…倍;拍子;节拍
- too : adv.太;过于;过度;另外;也;非常;而且;再者
- excessively : adv.过分地;过度地;极度地
- unduly : adv.不适当地;过度地
- mistake : n.错误;过失;失策;失误;不准确
- demerit : n.缺点;过失;记过
- fault : n.缺点;毛病;不足;责任;断层;故障;错误的行为;错误;过失
- per- : prefix表示“通过”;“完全”;“彻底”: percuss | perforation | pervade;表示“高”;“过”;“全”: peroxide | perchloric | permanganate;表示“完全”;“十分”;“非常”: perfect | perturb;表示“毁坏”
- super- : combining form表示“在…之上”;“超过”;“在…之外”: superlunary │ superstructure;表示“极大程度的”: superabundant │ supercool;表示“特大的”: supercontinent;表示“超级的”: superbike│ superpower;表示“(分类的)上级的”: superfamily
- over- : prefix表示“过分地”;“过度地”: overambitious | overcareful;表示“上”;“外”;“额外”: overcoat | overtime;表示“完全地”;“彻底地”: overawe | overjoyed;表示“越过”;“在上面”;“在上方”: overcast | overhang
过 로 단어 만들기
过氧化铁 peroxide of iron
过氧化锌 zinc peroxide
过烟瘾 enjoy a cigarette
过冷水 subcooled/supercooled water
过终点线 cross the finish line
过一夜 stay overnight
过热点 hot spot
过氧化钾 potassium peroxide
过险关 pass a defile
过热度 degree of superheat
过傤 overload
过穷日子 live low
过紧日子 tighten one's belt
过太平洋 cross the Pacific Ocean
过氧化镁 magnesium peroxide
过圣洁的生活 live a holy life
过隐居生活 live in seclusion
抹过竹林 skirt a bamboo grove
过有意义的生活 live a meaningful life
过消停日子 live a peaceful life
过 사용 예문
You must not go back on what you’ve promised.
The darn/mend in the dress is too conspicuous.
Soak the freshly killed fish by spreading salt on it.
He is deeply attached to the native place where he was brought up.
Scientists have researched the cause of the disease.
Other trainees have experienced similar problems.
The shooting star swished a small arc across the sky.
The field has been harrowed for sowing.
I have already had an in-depth discussion with him over this matter.
They often co-star and have performed many plays.