핸드라이팅 입력
글자 '崩'은 11 필기로 구성됩니다. '崩'은(는) 3500개의 일반적으로 사용되는 한자 중 하나. 글자 '崩'은(는) 1 가지 발음을 가지며, . '崩'의 발음에는 '//bēng' 이(가) 있습니다. 崩 의 필기 보기>>
한자 '崩'의 기본 의미
v.: collapse; fall apart/in; cave in; tumble down; burst; blow out; break; crumble; come to ruin; fall/come apart:; blast; explode; blow up; (of sth bursting) hit; scratch; kill by shooting; shoot (dead); gun down; (of an emperor) die; pass away
- collapse : v.倒塌;塌陷;昏倒;突然失败;崩溃;倒闭;折叠;使倒塌;使塌陷;萎陷
- cave in : 下陷, 坍塌, 倒塌, 使下陷, 使倒塌;屈服, 屈从
- tumble down : 跌倒;摔倒;倒塌下去
- burst : v.爆炸;炸裂;崩裂;冲;爆裂;爆发出;闯;冲出;打开;戳破
- blow out : 吹熄, 吹灭
- break : v.打破;打断;违反;不执行;压垮;变化;进入新状态;突然传开
- crumble : v.破碎;碎裂;使破碎;使碎裂;瓦解;崩溃
- blast : n.爆炸气浪;冲击波;一阵强风;一股强劲的气流;嘟声;吼鸣声;严厉责备;严词训斥;快乐的经历;热闹的聚会
- explode : v.爆炸;证明(信仰;理论)荒谬;戳穿;爆破;激增;迸发;勃然大怒;突然破裂;迅速扩大;使(炸弹)爆炸
- blow up : 勃然大怒;爆发;膨胀, 扩大
- scratch : v.刮擦;划掉;刺;刻;搔痒;刮去;取消;戳;划伤皮肤;写
- gun down : 枪放下;放下枪;快放下枪
- pass away : 逝去, 消逝, 消磨
崩 로 단어 만들기
崩 사용 예문
In the heat of the next day the breaking - point came.
He shot my fucking finger off!
I just want to go back to work, otherwise I'll be going to collapse.
I'm frustrated / upset /beaten down.
There was an old Stupa which was damaged with brambles and grass.
那张弓发出` 崩'的一声,箭随之呼啸而去.
The bow twanged and the arrow whistled through the air.
This paper investigated the process of avalanche growth in electronegative gas.
About the pants! ! ! He said there was quality problems, when he put one on the seams started to rip.
This damage was itself the result of huge underwater mudslides in the Mississippi Delta and played a greater role in curtailing supply than did damage to production facilities.