글자 '再'은 6 필기로 구성됩니다. '再'은(는) 3500개의 일반적으로 사용되는 한자 중 하나. 글자 '再'은(는) 1 가지 발음을 가지며, . '再'의 발음에는 '//zài' 이(가) 있습니다. 再 의 필기 보기>>

한자 '再'의 기본 의미

num.: twice; second time

v.: recur; return; continue

adv.: again; once more; further; then; only then; more; in addition; on top of that; no matter how

再 로 단어 만들기

再保险单 reinsurance policy

再往北 further north

再熔炉 remelting furnace

再热炉 reheating furnace

再充电电池 rechargeable battery

再出口贸易 re-export trade

接受再教育 receive re-education; be re-educated

再投资风险 reinvestment risk

再保险公司 reinsurance company

再出口货物 goods re-exported

收入再分配 redistribution of income

再就业体系 system of re-employment

再坚持一会儿 hold out a little longer

核燃料再处理 nuclear fuel reprocessing

平装再版本 paperback reprints

再建新功 make new contributions

再就业服务中心 re-employment service centre

再努一把力 make another effort

生恐再遭失败 be apprehensive of further failures

对退伍军人的再安置 resettlement of demobilized soldiers

再 사용 예문

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